8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 125 Cevabı
Activity 4
A.Read the text and complete the chart as in the example.
Texting dominates teens’ general communication choices. When asked generally about how they communicate with people in their lives – not just about their friends, but about all kinds of people – teens point to text messaging as the dominant daily mode of communication. Among all teens:
68% say that they use text messaging to communicate with others every day.
50% of teens make and receive voice calls on their mobile phones every day.
39% of all teens socialize with others in person outside of school on a daily basis.
30% of all teens exchange messages daily through social networking sites.
19% of teens talk on landlines with people in their lives daily.
9% of teens exchange email daily. Teens do not have the interest in exchanging email. Nearly 9 in 10 teens say they never exchange email. Talking on a landline is also less popular. Nearly 8 in 10 teens say that they never talk on a landline.
Read the last paragraph again. Rewrite the sentences below. Follow the example.
1.9% of teens exchange email daily.
Nearly 9 in 10 teens say they never exchange email.
2.30% of all teens exchange messages daily through social networking sites.
3.50% of teens make and receive voice calls on their mobile phones every day.
4.68% say that they use text messaging to communicate with others every day.