6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 60 Cevabı
A.I magine you are one of the school staff (a teacher, a cleaner, a driver, ete.). Fiil in the first column of the table with your information.
My friend
Name and surname
Starting date
Job location
Job description
Working days/hours
B.Work in pairs. Intervievv your partner and fiil in the second column with his/her information. Look at the example.
Student A: Hello, Mr. Spencer!
Student B: Hi! How can I help you?
Student A: I’m making a survey for our school magazine. Can I ask you some question: aboutyour job?
Student B: Of course.
Student A: What do you do?
Student B: I’m a technician at school.
Student A:When did you become a technician?
Student B: İn 2010.
Student A: Hmmm… what do you do at work?
Student B:I mend the electrical devices.
Student A: Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you show me?
Student B :(Mimestheaction.)
Student A: Oh, I see. You repair the lamps, projectors, ete. at school.
Student B:Yes.
Student A: What time do you start and stop work?
Student B: I start work at 8 o’clock in the morning and stop at 5 o’clock in the evening every vveekday.
Student A: Thank you very much, Mr. Spencer.
Student B: You’re welcome.
C.Now, act out your intervievv in front of the class.