11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 64 Cevabı 2017 – 2018 Yeni Müfredat
11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 64 Cevabı
F.S|Matchthewordswith thecorrectpartofthebody.
2: Eelbow
3. waist
4. calf
5. cheek 6: Ethumb
G.*IComplete the sentencesusing thewordsbelow. sticktheknife in-sneakinto-setup-loseheart – showup
1. /EWhenyou organise orstartsomething, you…………………………..it……………………………….I
2. /EWhenyou arrivesomewhere tojoina group,you…………………………………,
3. /EWhenyou criticisesomeone whentheyarereallyweak,you………………………………..them.
4. /EWhenyou enter somewhere secretly, you………………………………..that place.
5. Whenyou stopbelievingyou cansucceed,you………………………………….
HoIMatchthedefinitionswiththe words related to thecyberworld.
anillegal attempt toharm computer systems viainternetLVER LINI someone whocommits cybercrime SILVER LINING SILVER LINI’ waysofprotecting computer systemsagainstthreats likevirusesNI rulesabout howpeopleshoulduse Internet’ LINING SILVER LINI[ someone whousestheInternettoharmorfrightenanotherperson
I. bIComplete the sentences.Then matchthemwiththe pictures.
Iwish it_______
Iwish I_______
Iwish I_______
Iwish I_______
Iwish thesebags
raining. er LINING beforethelesson.G
French^ER LINING in abiggerhouse.G _______so heavy.
J.g IComplete the minidialogueswiththecorrectformof theverbs inbrackets.
1. A : Youlookhappy inParis. Howlong___________you____________(live)here?
S SI VEb : ISince wemoved from Cairo
2. A : What________you____________(do) recently?
B : I___________(work) onanew project.
3. A : I___________already____________(finish)mychores.
. on wpB :” ILucky you!Ihaven’t.,G
4. A : I___________(read) booksabouthackerslately.
; SILVEB :_IReally?Are theyinteresting?/
5. A : Craig_________just__________(call) and__________(tell)abouthislife inMexico.
> SILVEB :-IWow. Ishehappythere?
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