11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevabı 2017 – 2018 Yeni Müfredat
11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevabı
A.^ Fillintheblanks withthe appropriatewordsgiven.Oneis extra.Q SILVER LINING SILVEF diligent / curator / privileged / memorable / big-hearted / achieve / coincidence / adorable
1. »1 The………………………………….ofthemuseumwas sohelpfulthathegaveusextrainformationabout
2. >1…………………………………..studentsarelikely tobemore successful in theirschool lives.LVER L|N|Nr
3. >1 2 Nancyhasbeenmarriedto Andrewfor15yearswithtwo………………………………….children.^ L|N)
4. >1 Believe itornot,it’sjusta(n)……………………………………lam notfollowingyouN|NG S|LVER L|N|I
5. >1 MrBennett’sstudentsfeelvery………………………………….tohavethechanceto studyinascience
S| project withhim.|LVER L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|NG S|LV_. _ L|N|NG S|LVER L|N|I
6. >1 Keep studying. Youwill……………………………….yourgoals sooner orlater. lin|NG S|LVER L|N|I
7. »1 lamsureyou willmeet a(n)………………………………….personwho willlove youforever.LVER L|N)
B^ Choosethecorrectprepositionfromtheboxand write theminthe blanks. Then matchthem with theirmeanings.
in/against /from/on/to
(®) 1. suffer _from__ a) to need someoneorsomethingin ordertosurvive or besuccessful
O 2. fight__________b) to achievesomethingthat you plannedorattempted todo
(S) 3. depend__________c) to putyourself in asituationwhich mightharmyou
(S) 4. beexposed__________d) to tryin adeterminedway toprevent itorstopit
O 5. succeed__________e) to bebadlyaffectedbyan unfavourable eventorillness
Cg Fillintheblanks withthe suitable wordsgiven. g SILVER LINING SILVER LINING SILVER LININC failure/ discrimination/ illiteracy/ getridof /poverty / makefunof
1. How can I………………………my exam stress? I can’t even answer the questions I know well.
2. ’| Welearn from………………………,not from success.’ _ _ Q|| _
3. ’| Thepercentageof………………………isextremely low inbigcities^ C|| _
4. ’| Thegovernmentmustdosomethingurgently tobring anendto………………………..I can’tstandseeing
S| the homeless on thestreets.^_ Q|| _ – _ …… Cll D MM.M_ C|| _
5. ’| Even indevelopedcountries,genderbased………………………isan important problemin employment.
6. ’| Never………………………someone iftheymispronounce a word. Youare alllearning asecond –
Dg Matchthe sentencehalvestomakemeaningfulsentences.L INING SILVER LINING SILVER LIM RS)11. WhenIhit rockbottominmy career* . .N.Nr Sl. ..pRa) theboss wasmakingalotofmoney. NgBS) 2. Igotthegoodnews frommy doctorR LINING SILVeR3) whenhisfather losthisjob.-VER LIM NGflB 3. As she was working hard to make ends meet^ S|LVERp) I decided to start from the beginning.M Mr S ) 4. Mikedroppedout of school! q|| VFR . ıNıNG Sm x/ERp) asIwasfightingagainst myillness.|M NgH ) 5. While theworkerswere sufferingfrombadconditions, e) shewonthelottery. ing SILVER LIM NG((S) 6. WhenJasongotthePulitzer Prize,-R LINING S|LVE f)hedonatedthemoneyto a charity.-IM
E. Choose the correct options for the given definitions.
1. »1 Tocommunicateor connectwithothers Sl a) toget ridof^|LVE b) toget intouch
2. >1 A richsource ofinformation NG S|LVEF Sl a) goldmine S|LVEb) extraordinary-F
3. >1 A periodbeforethe recordedhistoryVEF S| a) century 3 S|LVEb) prehistory-VEF
4/groupof people whochaseandkill animals l-V to eatinstead of farmingNG S|LVER L|N|NG l-VEa) Lhunter-gatherers b)society=R L|N|NG
5/_Tallvertical structures made of stone, metal or
- Cevap: