10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 25 Cevabı
3. You want to meet a friend for an hour on Sunday. Look at your planner, ask and answer questions to find out when you can meet. Do not look at your partner’s planner.
Student A: What are you doing on Sunday morning?
Student B: I’m going to the French course from 10 to 11 a.m., but I’m free after that. Can we
meet then?
Student A: I’m afraid I’m not. I’m helping dad and mom with the housework.
4. Play a memory game. Ask your partner to close his/her book. Ask questions about your plans.
Student A: What am I doing on Sunday between 9 and
10 a.m.?
Student B: You are going to the French course.
Student A: That’s wrong.
Student B: Now I remember. You are having a big
family breakfast.
Student A: That’s right.