10. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 102 Cevabı
1. Match the hobbies with the photos below. Write the numbers in the boxes.
1. Carving Eggshells 2. Collecting Toys 3. Extreme Ironing 4. Cassette Tape Art 5. Tree Shaping 6. Collecting Comic Books
2. Have you ever heard about these hobbies? Do you or anyone around you have strange hobbies? Share your answers with your classmates.
3. Which of these hobbies is the most unusual? Share your reasons with the class. I think tape art is the most unusual one because you use old cassette tapes to create unusual images.
4. Do you have any hobbies? What are they? Share with your classmates. I’m interested in collecting DVD movies. I have a large DVD movie archive.